Going way beyond practicality, natural stone staircases radiate sophistication. Irrespective of whether they are installed in a residence, office, hotel, shopping centre, or public building, they bring unmatched dramatic aesthetic impact. Marble, being a natural stone, is classically traditional, and a marble staircase cannot be omitted in any design that has good taste as a priority. Alternatively, other prized stone materials in our collection can be used to create durable and highly attractive stone staircases to deliver visual appeal that can be either classic or modern.
Our team of experts and designers are available to help you choose the right product for your space.
32 Iacovou Katsounotou, 4193, C. Industrial Area Agios Silas,
Ypsonas, Limassol, Cyprus
Tel: +357 25870988
Fax: +357 25870978